freelance work

I collaborate with my clients to create graphics that enhance their personal brand as an athlete.


Every Wednesday the Bucks posts wallpapers for the fans. I would make these designs during free time in my work day. This was a good opportunity for artistic freedom while also sticking to the Bucks overall branding. The wallpapers generate a lot of attention on social media, so I would look at the comments to see what the fans want next and typically base my next designs off of that.

bucks classics

During the Covid lockdown, all of the live NBA games stopped and the TV stations played NBA Classics games in their place. In order to hype up these games on social media I created illustrated images from the games. By combining old images with new illustrations I was able to keep creating interesting content during the lockdown.

bucks game night

Part of my job with the Bucks was to work game nights. I was responsible for creating Instagram stories, updating score graphics, updating Wisconsin Lottery graphics, and updating the player highlight graphic. I would select and download photos of my choosing throughout the game from either Getty or OneDrive. I would then edit them in Lightroom and create the design in Photoshop. None of the photos were prepared beforehand because they had to be shots from that game. That meant that I had to work quickly under strict time constraints in order to get all of the graphics out on time. I quickly became comfortable with the process and had no problem with the fast pace of game nights.

Below is the work I did in one game night.




Website Design